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Перевод: pluvial speek pluvial

плювиальный; дождевой;
риза ; мантия ; действие дождевых потоков


  1. In hot desert areas investigations of fossil dunes in India, Africa and Australia together with changes in the extent of pluvial lakes in Africa, the Middle East, and North America (Goudie, 1983) have provided further insight into the chronology of Quaternary environments.
  2. Pluvial and arid periods had always alternated but at some point the latter must have come to dominate in a prolonged drought.
  3. How much of this former water erosion can be attributed to pluvial phases in the Pleistocene is very doubtful.
  4. These were additional to interpretations of planation surfaces and were particularly concerned with the alternation of pluvial and arid phases in the Quaternary and their possible relationship to those of temperate latitudes; with the sequence of valley development particularly as revealed by the chronology of alluvial deposits; and with the significance of human activity which in some of the areas studied extended over many centuries.
  5. Yet the degree of integration of drainage patterns shown in some arid regions seems altogether too high to be attributed merely to Pleistocene pluvial periods.
  6. These former hot-spring systems may have formed during pluvial periods, when extensive lakes covered the rift valley and water tables were considerably higher than at present.

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