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Перевод: pneumonia speek pneumonia

воспаление легких; пневмония


  1. He died in hospital of pneumonia."
  2. And he knew that he couldn't continue avoiding her - or not without catching pneumonia, he thought, and smiled at his own joke.
  3. While pneumonia continues to be a common occurrence, by 1989 improved treatment had reduced the numbers dying as a result to only 3% .
  4. I even knew a chap in hospital once who was more concerned about his totally symptomless brain tumour than about the lobar pneumonia from which he was cheerfully recovering.
  5. It was a raw, damp and cold Cornwall winter and, not long into the shooting, Peckinpah contracted "flu which developed into pneumonia.
  6. Pneumonia had followed pneumonia.
  7. Evidence from the Home Office consultant pathologist, Professor Alan Usher, discovered no abnormality except pneumonia due to lung statis; "exactly what one would expect in poisoning by a respiratory depressant drug."
  8. Burns, he said, were rarely the cause of death, though the resulting shock-induced pneumonia was.
  9. For him to die of pneumonia was really a terrible waste and I think David harboured a little you can't blame someone for something like a person dying tragically with pneumonia, but I think he felt his mother should have watched over him more carefully, but I suppose that's like saying the cat got drowned, why was the puddle there?
  10. He took cold, developed pneumonia and that was the end of him.
  11. Acute conditions include strokes, heart attacks, broken bones, and infections such as pneumonia.
  12. In 1974 Willie's caddying career nearly ended when he succumbed to pneumonia and asthma after taking Jerry Heard around Wentworth for the World Matchplay.
  13. He went to bed, but it was too late - pneumonia had set in.

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