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Перевод: poaching



  1. Sturgeon's father John was a ne'er-do-well shoemaker, who spent most of his days poaching fish and rearing gamecocks.
  2. The poaching fraternity has other uses for the lurcher.
  3. The mountain Gorilla, a uniquely social animal, is threatened by habitat destruction and poaching.
  4. Some in the polytechnics fear the changes, allowing them to become universities, will amount to a takeover, and in a second dispute, they have accused one of the universities' ruling bodies of poaching senior staff.
  5. If you are paying a little more for the food you should enjoy it for what it is - avoid recipes which suggest such things as stuffing breasts of chicken with Parma ham mousse, then wrapping them in smoked salmon and poaching in wine before serving with a cream sauce.
  6. Whereas I teach my dogs to disregard game birds and deer, the lurcher is very competent at acquiring the skills of poaching and is usually the animal to accompany deer and game-stealing gangs wherever they operate.
  7. He supplemented his income by poaching, gambling and out-and-out thieving.
  8. A disobedient Norfolk farm boy was propelled into a lifetime of professional poaching by the combination of a harsh, flogging father, who for years "never spoke to me nor owned me", and an entertaining, caring grandfather who had poached himself: "I'm not shure I did not inherit some of my sporting ways from him."
  9. Just in time to preserve the high quality of sport and curtail poaching and illegal fishing.
  10. His war record and the fact that he had never been able to catch him redhanded whilst poaching appealed to his old world code of honour.
  11. REGIONAL RAILWAYS sees the spread of light rapid transit systems in our cities and suburbs as a development that can be harnessed to serve its interests - and not as a potential for poaching passengers.
  12. The indictments at Reading Crown Court ranged from poaching to murder.
  13. In the Forest of Dean poaching was rife, and there were frequent violent clashes between keepers and poachers.

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