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Перевод: poet speek poet

поэт ; стихотворец


  1. poet.
  2. This factual structure is intermingled with anecdotal family memories of the once popular London Welsh poet Lewis Morris, with some echoes of the people who encouraged Edward in his earliest published writings, and with an even more substantial use of Welsh and Swindon topics now missing from the numerous notebooks.
  3. Scott was in fact a poet of considerable skill himself a founding father, no less, of Canada's emerging poetry movement, and the doyen of poetry in Montreal, which has produced so many excellent poets.
  4. According to a Sumerian poet: "Once upon a time there was no snake, there was no scorpion, / There was no hyena, there was no lion, / There was no wild dog, no wolf, / There was no fear, no terror, / Man had no rival."
  5. The poet
  6. The poems are delivered with the pompous self-importance of an obscure poet addressing a small band of intellectuals.
  7. Despite its eulogistic tone Oldershaw's memory seems more credible than E. C. Bentley's half-humorous, half-invented sketch of Thomas aged sixteen during his first half-year at St. Paul's: "It was Walker Frederick Walker, the High Master too, who had made this possible by clearing the "History Eighth", the first recruits to which included my friend Oldershaw and myself, soon to be joined by an exceptionally reserved and quiet boy who usually had in his pocket a rat or so, and a few snakes, which he would shut in his desk with books, and occasionally peep at stealthily - Edward Thomas the poet."
  8. Her idol is the 1920s artist Varvara Stepanova, whose clothes designs she has reconstructed for museums and whose portrait, along with that of the revolutionary poet Mayakovsky, she has stitched on to another of her own red dresses.
  9. Schubert and Schumann could whimsically be described as poets, but calling Horowitz a poet is as silly as calling Lawrence Olivier a poet, or for that matter the builders who followed Wren's drawings and erected St. Paul's Cathedral.
  10. As Beatrice and Orage became lovers, she worked for the paper, assuming increasing importance editorially and soon writing about a third of the contents herself as reviewer, poet, satirist and literary adviser.
  11. Margaret Townsend had spend some time helping her sister with the large growing family, especially during the frequent pregnancies, and she had lived with the poet's mother in Stow Hill, Newport, until the move to London.
  12. Increasingly during the next fifteen years the triangle formed by Swansea, Pontardulais, and Ammanford - with the fr owning eminence of Carreg Cennen Castle in the distance - provided him with a retreat and a source of healing as he faltered towards his final realization as a poet.
  13. As if that had anything to do with the ability of a poet to read his own poems!

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