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Перевод: politically speek politically

с государственной или политической точки зрения; расчетливо; обдуманно; хитро


  1. Since the Tsar was already an ally against Germany, it was politically inconvenient to demand an end to anti-semitism in Russia.
  2. The Conservative lead increased by 50 per cent amongst politically uncommitted Sun/Star readers but not at all amongst politically uncommitted Mirror readers.
  3. The idea of "Napoleonism", that is, the concept of the Emperor as a phenomenon of history and therefore politically dead, was one which appealed to the conservative strata of French society, which were glad to remember the glory the Emperor had given to France but had no wish to see him re-embodied.
  4. Not only has the plan for a two-speed EMU been endorsed by Chancellor Kohl's Vice President of the Bundesbank, Dr Hans Tietmeyer, but also geo-political plans for a Europe of "concentric circles" based around an inner federal core of politically and economically integrated countries have been drawn up by Kohl's adviser, Michael Mertes.
  5. And at times of crisis the Church has rallied to the political Position of the Party, and ministers such as Bert Cooke who are not normally politically active have supported the DUP's initiatives from their pulpits.
  6. In the eastern republic of Slovakia and in Poland to the north, nationalist ultra-Right-wingers have made politically motivated attacks on Jewish graves, leaving destruction and fascist slogans.
  7. A Service department may take the risk of including an important project in its list, not because it believes it has a low priority, but because it knows it would be politically awkward for the party in power to consider cutting it.
  8. Distinctive guitar riffs and Ian Telfer's racy fiddle runs distinguish the powerful, literate songs - all their own, save for a punk-folk thrashing of Pete Seeger's politically correct tour of Welsh mining communities, pit closures giving a metaphorical edge to the accusing refrain "who killed the miners?".
  9. The conclusion in No. 10 was, therefore, that it had become part of the Cabinet Office and was politically starved on anything that had a political dimension, the tank found itself rather isolated."
  10. The effects of the Volga famine were more disruptive and politically dangerous in another national minority area that had more ethnic pretensions, and above all suffered nearly as much from famine as the Great-Russian Volga provinces.
  11. Michael Foot is "an elitist parliamentarian", Barbara Castle is "politically greedy", Denis Healey "wobbles about according to which way the wind is blowing".
  12. Equally, Enoch Powell's speeches in the 1960s which might have been designed to stir up racial animosity between the various Commonwealth communities, had only a limited impact, with Powell himself becoming politically marginalized.
  13. In contrast, many elders - leading lay people - are politically more conservative.

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