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Перевод: pollen speek pollen

пыльца ; цветень ;


  1. At the start of the season sufferers usually begin to experience problems when the pollen count reaches 50.
  2. The Loch Lang pollen record and its clear indications of mixed birch-hazel-oak-alder woodlands in the early and mid-post-glacial suggest that these southern-atlantic cryptogams may indeed be relicts from the period of more extensive woodland cover in the mid-post-glacial and these shade-demanding species have survived locally in ravines, gullies, and sheltered block litters on the Uists.
  3. So far virtually only those organic materials with structures visible to the microscope (e.g. pollen) have received detailed attention.
  4. There are only a few detailed pollen diagrams from the Outer Hebrides that cover all or part of the last 10,000 years, the so-called post-glacial.
  5. No pollen analyses of undisputed late-glacial deposits from the Outer Hebrides have been published.
  6. Bohncke proposes from detailed pollen analyses of several pollen profiles that human clearance of these pockets began as early as 7600, 5000, and 4200 B.P..
  7. They not only brighten up a faded border, but provide essential nectar and pollen for beneficial insects going into hibernation.
  8. The scales on Fenna's belly were as large, but softer - pastelled reflections of his back, glimmering in pearly tones: oyster, and creamy-grey like dawn, or pollen yellows and dusty pinks.
  9. For example, in flowering plants the haploid stage is reduced to the pollen tube, derived from a haploid pollen grain that falls on the stigma of a flower and grows until it reaches and fertilizes the egg cell that lies in the flower's ovary.
  10. It is about 18in (45cm) high in my garden, a slim rather than substantial plant, with small, lime-green, tubular bell-shaped flowers and bright turquoise pollen.
  11. This passage sheds much light on the method of "Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service" where the self-mutilation of "enervate Origen" is placed in the same lineage as the sexual origin of "the Word", and where the initial "sapient sutlers of the Lord" who "Drift across the window-panes" is a passage with an ambiguous, or better ambivalent, reference, since it holds together in one term both the "sable presbyters" who bring offerings to church and "the bees" who bring pollen from one part of the plant to another and so perform the "Blest office of the epicene".
  12. Pollen analysis from Loch Lang, S.Uist (Bennett and Fossitt unpublished) near the famous Allt Volagir ravine (Spence, 1960) show maximum tree pollen values of between 50% and 70% total pollen for the early and mid-postglacial.

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