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Перевод: polytheistic speek polytheistic



  1. "Hellenism" meant not only speaking Greek as the main language of communication in the eastern half of the Mediterranean, but also games, gymnasia, theatres, and the diffusion of polytheistic cult.
  2. The emperor had begun to think polytheistic cult a veneration of evil spirits and therefore perhaps a danger to his realm.
  3. Their conception of time was magical and polytheistic.
  4. It might, therefore, be said that if this is a fair representation of Hinduism, the major religion of the Far East, then Hinduism is polytheistic in two ways - both in saying that many gods exist and in saying that many gods may be followed.
  5. They are polytheistic in that they seem to believe that many gods exist, but monotheistic in that they command obedience to only one of these many gods.
  6. Therefore Judaism and Islam could be said to be in one sense polytheistic and in one sense monotheistic.
  7. Clement combined his highly positive evaluation of culture with a severe puritanism towards any concessions to polytheistic myth and cult.
  8. However, although frequently described as polytheistic, it would be more accurate to describe Hinduism as a religion which has become monotheistic by another route to that taken by the Near Eastern religions.
  9. Judaism and Islam could be called polytheistic religions in the sense that they do contain traditions that represent Jews and Moslems as called upon to choose one of several gods and follow Him to the exclusion of others.
  10. Then polytheistic belief and worship flourished and shrines to the various deities, which included a number of goddesses, dotted the countryside of Palestine (e.g.
  11. Is it any more accurate to call Hinduism polytheistic because of its talk of many gods than to call Roman Catholicism polytheistic on account of its talk of many saints?
  12. Origen once remarked that the high moral ideal of the old polytheistic world was one of individual or family self-respect and honour, whereas the Christian ideal was one of service to the community in humility.

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