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Перевод: pontificate speek pontificate

понтификат ; срок пребывания в должности папы; преосвященство; срок пребывания в должности архиепископа;
отправлять богослужение; говорить с важным видом


  1. Pius X opened his pontificate (1903-;14) amid an uproar which brought about the end of the Napoleonic concordat (1905).
  2. In retrospect, the ending at this point of the long preponderance of Western Europe (that is to say, Italy, France, southern Germany, Belgium and Spain) - a preponderance common to the pre-conciliar Church, the Council and even the pontificate of Paul VI - in the affairs of Catholicism and its replacement by a far wider range of geographical influences, may appear as far more significant than any shift from the mildly liberal to the neo-conservative.
  3. Gregory's pontificate ended in disaster; but the papacy and the holy war were rescued by the skill and inspiration of Pope Urban II (1088 - 99).
  4. What I am going to miss is the opportunity to pontificate in peace, without let or hindrance, as Punch has let me do for eight years.
  5. Or are they no more than generalized exhortations, the playthings of ethicists, who love to pontificate, because that is all they are good for?
  6. So fuck off back to your dormitories now before I'm tempted to pontificate even longer.
  7. It was not until the pontificate of Pope John XIII, elected in 965, that the Papacy began dating by the year of the Incarnation, but the practice was not uniformly adopted until the time of Pope Leo IX, elected in 1048.
  8. It ill becomes a foreigner to look in and pontificate on a short visit but it seemed to me that Australia as a rich country had given them only material goods, which merely sapped their self-sufficiency and their self-respect.
  9. But he does not simply pontificate from his position as an excellent photographer, or regurgitate standard procedures.
  10. Page from "A collection of drawings of the various insignia of the pontificate
  11. Typical of artists to read nothing except what they happen upon and then to pontificate about life and art and the way the world is going.
  12. This was a great age of Catholic history and the importance of the Council can only be appreciated if the strength of the Church it triggered into a spiral of reform - a strength that had steadily grown beneath the surface in the pontificate of Pius XII - is well appreciated.
  13. As these examples suggest, the pontificate of Leo XIII (1879-;1903) saw something of a recovery in the political fortunes of the Papacy.

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