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Перевод: populist speek populist

популист ; народник


  1. The tide flows strongly in favour of the populist, the valueless public library the Library service has lost its soul and, desperately seeking some justification for its existence, veers between pop-marketing in imitation of the big chains - the McDonald's and Burger Kings of the printed word - and trying to be a sub-branch of information processing.
  2. He found that the greatest number of large-scale strikes broke out when the presidents were known for their populist and pro-worker policies.
  3. The form of the book, written from the imagined perspective of the year 2034, is a review of developments since 1870 and an analysis of the surprising troubles of 2033 provoked by the populist movement - a "strange blend of women in the lead and men in the rank and file".
  4. Even though at best only partial success was attained in "imposing" this image on the still unbroken socialist/communist and catholic subcultures, where there were strong ideological counters to acceptance of the "Hitler myth", and on sections of the upper classes whose status-conscious litism provided a continuing barrier to the appeal of populist leadership images, there can be no doubt that the penetration of the propagated "Hitler myth" was deep, especially, but by no means only, among the German middle classes.
  5. Mr Pozsgay's contribution was his support for "populist" writers who drew their inspiration from rural Hungary and championed "national values".
  6. Mr Major, the economical populist, may be less frugal next year.
  7. Many are on the far left, others on the rabble-rousing populist right.
  8. Adorno's critique, therefore, and in particular the critique of the Culture Industry is mounted from the increasingly beleaguered and restricted field of the avant garde, and it is this, in part, which wins it the current disapproval of the more enthusiastically affirmative, apparently democratic, or outright populist approaches to popular culture.
  9. Populist pressure demands higher standards in the basics.
  10. He is a populist who is unfussy about which grievances he exploits to get attention.
  11. One Labour MP, Joe Ashton, who has always had a sure touch for populist politics, used to maintain that the best party political broadcast anyone could produce would be a wildlife film about seals.
  12. French and Jewish "influence" went hand in hand for many Germans and allowed Vlkisch opinion on the matter to flourish: slowly but surely the word Vlk came to mean not simply "people", but also "populist", and to imply a sense of common identity and of racial superiority over those peoples who needed the French to emancipate them.
  13. The rhetoric was still aggressively populist but suddenly "hippy social workers" and "machiavellian middle class communists" began to figure alongside "twisted nazis" as the enemy who seek to make moral and political capital out of "authentic" working class youth.

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