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Перевод: porch speek porch

подъезд ; крыльцо; веранда ; терраса ; портик ; крытая галерея; балкон ; паперть


  1. Soon after my mother had died, I had noticed a gap in the familiar contours of the furniture in the room leading out of the sitting-room - it was where the shop had once been, entered then via the yard gate and a large open porch.
  2. When I got closer I found it to be empty and forgotten; cattle grazed up to its outer walls, its projecting porch was thick with ivy, its gardens with nettles.
  3. For details, see the poster in the church porch.
  4. At the Dixie Dude, I spent my time between riding in the hills and just sitting on the porch doing nothing.
  5. To chase the chickens from the porch and sweep the
  6. And as he was about to depart he looked back upon his own home, and when he saw his hall deserted, the household chests unfastened, the doors open, no cloaks hanging up, no seats in the porch, no hawks upon the perches, the tears came into his eyes, and he said, My enemies have done this
  7. A long narrow sign over the front door, under a rickety porch, read: "Lily Garner.
  8. Mrs Hollidaye put her flowers in a tin bucket of water in the porch where other bunches of flowers were being collected.
  9. Photograph: Photograph of original porch at Willy Hill, Allen Collection.
  10. In the porch of a wooden shack a small boy dangled a land crab on the end of a makeshift fishing rod; it clawed the air, defensive and gaudy.
  11. It is a simple, square house in Bath stone with an understated pediment and porch, but inside is a grand suite of reception rooms connected with arches supported on columns.
  12. At the head of the path, beside the porch, Gaily stopped snowdrops in hand.
  13. The association with a traditional barn incorporating porches has been skilfully exploited in order to broaden the width of the building at its centre so that an enclosed entrance porch and a generous "dog-leg" staircase, giving access to the first floor, could be included on one side, while the equivalent projection on the west side houses an oriel window serving the dining-room which gives a commanding view over the Cherwell Valley.

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