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Перевод: portent speek portent

предзнаменование; знамение; чудо


  1. But if the cheering at the end on Thursday evening - and I mean the cheering from upstairs, which is what matters - is a portent, then Kenneth MacMillan's Prince Of The Pagodas is a success.
  2. A WRAITH, the disembodied GHOST of a living person, fetch is the common name used in England to describe a double ( see DOPPELGANGER), and is inevitably a portent of death.
  3. The promises of Chapman's first season at Leeds were marred by a major blackspot, a shadowy portent of the catastrophe to come.
  4. But The Waterline's absorbing issue, forgiveness of oneself and others, disappears in the three narratives overcrowded with portent and incident, as if clear thinking quailed at the messiness of the world.
  5. At best this is a portent of immense struggle, at worst an omen of defeat.
  6. The January 1980 Annual General Meeting was a portent for the next three years, leading to the Bondholders buyout.
  7. This was a portent of future events, and for the Coronation of 1902 no less than twenty-five trams were decorated (see p. 38), illuminations being added in the evening while the cars were in service.
  8. Among them, a black and white jackdaw hopped, a magic sign of great portent and possibly the reason why the camp had been pitched there in the first place.
  9. The importance of Irwin's triumph was that it seemed both classical and prototypical - an exemplification of triumphs past and a portent of triumphs to come.
  10. Terrible neuralgic pains which troubled him throughout this period were the mirror of his inward distress, and the large doses of laudanum he took to relieve his symptoms, a portent for the future.
  11. I've become very choosy about food since researching my latest novel, PORTENT (Hodder Stoughton, 14.99), which is about weird ecological disasters.
  12. So was it ever thus, history the source of ominous portent, further nourishing Bobby Robson's anxiety?
  13. I was up in Oregon at the time and got back to find that the tremor had shoved the sewage pipes up a few inches and thrown the water out of the lavatories, a well-known portent of Satan's arrival, if you believe the infernal guidebooks.

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