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Перевод: posset speek posset

поссет ; горячий напиток из молока, вина и пряностей;


  1. When I revived, Wart-Face (who introduced himself as Jean Capote) and his companion Claude Broussac, rat-faced with a pointed nose, greasy hair and the cheekiest eyes I have seen this side of Hell, were bending over me, forcing a cup of scalding posset between my lips.
  2. One almost expects a mangle, or a posset stick."
  3. Maids hurried round with cups of hot posset, stable boys and ostlers shouted as horses were brought out, saddled and made ready to mount.
  4. The late sixteenth-century diplomat James Melville of Halhill wrote of the "Italian posset" given to the king; the leading churchman, and one of the main contenders for power, David cardinal Beaton, archbishop of St Andrews, was of course the major suspect.
  5. At last we all mounted, downing one final cup of posset whilst the huntsmen were sent on before us, the barking of the dogs shattering the silence of the cold country air.
  6. Posset was heated milk enriched with eggs, sherry or wine, sugar and nutmeg, and it was sometimes accompanied by hot, buttered sweet buns.
  7. "Abigail, my posset's gone cold, can you warm it up for me?"
  8. They look decay'd with Posset, and with Plumbs,
  9. During the fasting days, especially on Friday when no meat was eaten, a posset often replaced a meal.

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