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Перевод: postulation speek postulation



  1. Superficially, such a judgement would have been rather puzzling, given that adverbs, including adverbs of manner, normally can qualify the verb believe: (71) we must reluctantly believe what she says 4.8 The proposal to treat the adjectives of Sections 4.5 and 4.6 as if they were part of a modified subordinate clause is not of course a novel one; notoriously, the postulation of modified subordinate clauses has been adopted by many writers in recent decades as a grammatical panacea for all manner of syntactic problems.
  2. Criticising this development, Lyons says: "Linguists have been very much concerned in recent years with the postulation of universals of language structure and have all too often discounted the differences among languages" (1982).
  3. A sedimentary investigation of the area led to the postulation of five distinct facies within the Marada: (i) an offshore sandbank facies; (ii) a lagoonal facies; (iii) an intertidal or deltaic facies; (iv) a fluviatile facies and (v) an estuarine facies cutting across the other four.
  4. In general, biologists have been distrustful of such leaps of the imagination, although later geneticists have followed Mendel's example: a recent case is the postulation by Jacob and Monod of "repressors", described on p. 65.
  5. In a recent paper, Krashen, the sole begetter and main publicist of the Monitor theory, seeks to show how his theory leads to the postulation of "The "Fundamental Pedagogical Principle" in second language teaching" (Krashen 1982, Krashen and Terrell 1983).
  6. The issue is one of meaning; Saussure's linguistics and his postulation of semiology is not concerned with meaning itself but with the rules by which meaning is conveyed within the sign.
  7. The chronological extrapolation to Western Europe then required the postulation of models about the rate of diffusion of ideas.
  8. Now there are problems with the simple postulation of a link between unemployment, crime, and disorder, as Mrs Thatcher is only too ready to point out.

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