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Перевод: pottery speek pottery

гончарная мастерская; гончарное дело; керамика ; гончарные изделия; глиняная посуда


  1. The aim was to locate forty to fifty samples well associated with Beaker pottery in a variety of styles.
  2. Was it flour - or something they used in pottery?
  3. Although in terms of quantity more pottery has survived, it is the combination of the quantity of coins together with the official inscriptions and designs they bear that have made them more precisely datable than any other common class of artefact.
  4. Thermoluminescence is a property of crystalline materials, such as quartz and feldspars, which are found in pottery.
  5. Finds of pottery, obsidian tools and religious monuments testify to Teotihuacan's widespread influence on Classic Maya life.
  6. So he went on, from one technique to another: watercolour drawings, line engravings, lithography, line cuts, designs for pottery.
  7. There is a small stock in the pottery but most of the work is commissioned.
  8. These graves and their contents had been studied long before computers became commonplace, and gave indications of two different burial rites: one involving burial with pig bones and metal goods but no pottery, and the other involving sheep bones and pottery.
  9. And the pretty new mugs were a symbol, something Dorothea would never have found or thought of for herself, for they were hand-thrown pottery, and she had always been brought up to fine-spun china.
  10. Form 1836 to 1849 they carried an impressed mark, "Bristol Pottery".
  11. There will be a display of work and photographs including pottery house plaques and carved coats of arms.
  12. The Los Angeles Pottery company near Beverly Hills specialises in innovative stoneware cookie jars based on snowmen, Santas, cats and mice.
  13. Some had gone back to their villages; some to the pottery; some to begin the maintenance tasks that would take place, at the yard or by the hearth, all through the winter.

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