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Перевод: Prometheus speek Prometheus

[имя собственное]


  1. The benefactor of the race would be, not a Prometheus who brings a few sparks from above, but he who releases among men the most finished of all forces, an irresistible word."
  2. He's a Faust, a Prometheus and, in the end, I'm afraid he's a Pandora."
  3. Paintings from the collection supplement the show including the largest canvas in the artist's oeuvre, the "Prometheus Triptych" commissioned by Seilern in 1950 and now dominating the Great Room at Somerset House.
  4. Prometheus,
  5. Than is Prometheus bound to Caucasus.
  6. Prometheus, (The Men of),
  7. Symphony No. 1; Prometheus
  9. He's much more in his element in prometheus , which heaves and sighs as though it's actually giving birth to fire.
  10. Flim-flam - psychics, ESP, unicorns and other delusions The truth about Uri Geller by James Randi, Prometheus, pp 342, 7.45 and pp. 235, 6.95
  11. The tone is evident from some of the titles: "Proper Ingredients for the Head of a Beau, found among the Rules of Prometheus"; "The Sow and the Peacock"; "Strephon to Celia: A modern Love Letter".
  12. The original decline from the primeval Golden Age was explained by the myth of Prometheus, which has points of resemblance to the Hebrew myth of "The Fall" described in Genesis.
  13. His ideas of symphonic development were followed by Beethoven ( Prometheus 1801), Adam ( Giselle 1841), Delibes ( Copplia 1870) and Tchaikovsky.

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