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Перевод: practicing



  1. Thousands of people have been practicing step aerobics, but over-enthusiasm could leave them flat on their backs.
  2. GUITAR For The Practicing Musician and Guitar School magazines, 1984-;1992.
  3. "You're practicing," Henry was saying.
  4. It was said that he learned it by practicing shadowboxing to popular tunes that ran exactly three minutes on the gramophone.
  5. Instead it is far more likely to resemble organizations that neither the practicing manager nor the management scholar pays much attention to today: the hospital, the university, the symphony orchestra.
  6. In rural areas, they live and work closer to the eco-system; they can understand its limitations and can safeguard its future by practicing sustainable agriculture and forestry.
  7. That's what comes of not practicing, he said to himself furiously.
  8. GUITAR For The Practicing Musician and Guitar School magazines, "84 to "92.
  9. Mark Evans is a small-animal vet currently practicing in Surrey.
  10. But 9 times British trials bike champion Steve Saunders from cheltenham has been practicing since he was in shorts.
  11. The strongest spent much of their time practicing military exercises and hunting on horseback."
  12. Iran took part in the summits of the Non-Aligned in 1979 and 1983, and the new Iranian constitution defined the basis of the country's foreign policy inter alia as "ending any kind of domination, practicing non-alignment with respect to the dominating powers and maintaining mutual peaceful relationships with non-belligerent nations".
  13. I haven't been practicing.

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