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Перевод: predictor speek predictor

предсказатель ; прибор управления артиллерийским зенитным огнем


  1. In our study the minimum arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratio was a predictor of transfusion requirements and of hyperbilirubinaemia.
  2. This study shows that alcohol consumption is an important independent predictor of peripheral oedema in patients with chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
  3. One school of thought affirms that use of the existing collection is the best predictor.
  4. HDL-cholesterol may also be a predictor with an inverse relationship, particularly in female diabetic subjects.
  5. An important criticism of Slote's and Trueswell's theories is put forward by Taylor and Urquhart in their research study Management and assessment of stock control in academic libraries in which they claim that the main predictor of future use in a research collection is not the frequency of past use but the imprint date of items in the collection.
  6. Much less obviously, age proved a significant predictor of party and leader images.
  7. They have some fairly disparaging comments to make about the study of "use" as a predictor for weeding.
  8. Conversely, application of the associative learning principle of predictability to the spatial domain suggests that both groups should be able to learn to search at F+, but the association between L+ and F+ should be greater in group varied because L+ is the sole predictor of the food's location.
  9. More recently, intelligence as a predictor has been replaced by the variety of cognitive processes available to an individual.
  10. Nicola Woods found that in a business setting, gender was a better predictor than status of who would interrupt whom.
  11. The more heritable a predictor is, the less it reflects the advantages or disadvantages of a student's environment, and no predictor of potential academic ability is as heritable as the scores on intelligence tests and their close correlates, the aptitude tests.
  12. With secondrank politicians, interest in politics continued to be a strong predictor of their visibility, although the impact of television viewing also increased (Table 7.9).
  13. Fussler and Simon, and others, have found loan use to be a reasonably good predictor of in-house use, but the subject is a highly complex one.

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