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Перевод: prefix speek prefix

приставка ; префикс ;
прибавлять префикс; приставлять спереди; предпосылать


  1. Policies with prefix letters PM or FM (Motor Car), MC (Motor Cycle) or CM (Commercial Vehicle - excluding policies numbered lower than 100,000) will qualify for a Special Discount of just under 6% where the policies have been in force continuously for at least three years when they are renewed during the year commencing 1st July 1981.
  2. The first prefix to be registered was Kiikkuniemi in 1933.
  3. This litter, born on 5 December 1965, was to be the first born in Victoria and was registered under the Heatherglen prefix.
  4. It was then that the prefix "melo" was added to the drama.
  5. The various lines of dancers took the prefix of the cinema building they were appearing in.
  6. Belzebub was owned by Mr Olavi Pasanen and his wife Maria, who in later years bred many well-known dogs under the Heidenmoor prefix.
  7. Some of these names moved slowly into recognisably English forms and dropped the prefix, as was the case of Wydo de Brione ( fl .
  8. The Royal Institute of British Architects, as it was usually referred to, although the Royal prefix was only officially conferred in 1866, certainly answered the need for a professional organization.
  9. The heading (on the receipts side of the ledger) read: "Subscribed by gentlemen outside the parish for a pavilion and for the outfit of the club", and there followed a list (headed by the local member of parliament) of men described as "Esqre", "Mr", and in several cases no prefix at all - merely surname and initial.
  10. Probably one of the best-known characters in Swedish Rottweiler history is Mrs Gerd Hyden, who is an international judge and breeds Rottweilers under the Saltsjoborg prefix.
  11. The study now reported began with the author recognising from an examination of the name "Forsey" that although the second syllable had obviously developed from the Anglo-Saxon haeg (with the noun prefix ge ) and the Middle English hei/hey , meaning enclosure, it seemed unlikely that the first syllables fors and furs were descended from the same root word, and the fact that Dr Reaney had cited widely separated counties for their (rather late) emergence was a further slight pointer.
  12. These include code reduction functions, prefix and suffix operations, scatter operations and data sorting.
  13. Although he "sought to avoid public controversy" - a standard Victorian prefix to anyone who enthusiastically engaged in political warfare - he was elected as a Poor Law Guardian and a member of the Burial Board and the Public Library Committee.

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