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Перевод: preposition speek preposition

предлог ; препозиция


  1. Preposition, e.g. near, between, among;
  2. In a recent interview, Greenaway said that he hated the idea of a shot in a film being only a preposition, linking what went before and after.
  3. The nail is an indirect object because it is related to the verb through the preposition - on .
  4. Thus, Mark (1989) suggests that the "image-schema" can be used to structure perceptions of space and provides examples drawn from Johnson (1987) such as CONTAINER (associated with the preposition "IN") and PLATFORM (associated with the preposition "ON").
  5. Those parallelism are syntactic rather than morphological, whereas with by number // by name we have a strict morphological parallelism as well (preposition plus noun).
  6. the sentence grammar of English: adjective, adverb, noun, proper noun, verb, main verb, auxiliary verb, preposition, conjunction , etc., singular, plural, possessive, tense , etc., negative, comparative, superlative , etc., subject, object , etc.;
  7. At the bottom of page one, at the end of paragraph 1.6, the last two sentences were divided by a crucial preposition - "But": "We have to reject completely any suggestion that we ditch or dilute any of our concerns about racial disadvantage, discrimination against women, against lesbians or gay men, or against people with disabilities.
  8. A further small point: we may have been taught at school to avoid ending written sentences with a preposition, but the above sentence, apart from replacing "commence" by "begin", sounds more natural if we do in fact end it with the preposition.
  9. By reason of translates a Hebrew preposition regularly used to express price or expenditure (e.g. 1 Kings 2:23; Proverbs 7:23; Lamentations 5:9).
  10. In the case of a limited number of Old English or Anglo-Saxon bynames these took such forms as at Dentune, on Lundye, of Wommerstone, in Mapeldre, but after the Conquest the prefix became, almost without exception, the preposition de (of or from), it mattering not whether the place was in France or England.
  11. Early in my journalistic career I learned that one should never use a preposition to end a sentence with - remembering it because it committed the error it condemned; whatever the consequence, I was now fully convinced that Moose Jaw was not a bad place to be from.
  12. Greenaway has said he hates the idea of a shot in a film being only a preposition, linking what went before and after - but what writer would think of despising a part of speech for performing its indispensible task?

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