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Перевод: presbyter speek presbyter

пресвитер ; старейшина ; священник ; католический священник


  1. Callistus had publicly accused him of being a ditheist, and used language offering cover to those (soon associated with a presbyter named Sabellius) who held that Father, Son, and Spirit are names for one God under different aspects.
  2. Now, more than twenty years later, the Breton presbyter had lost none of his grace or his repose.
  3. The fuss these ideas created, and a storm when the bishop of Caesarea in Palestine ordained Origen presbyter without reference to the bishop of Alexandria, moved Origen to migrate to Caesarea (231).
  4. The distinction of the Son from the Father was a theme vehemently taken up by the Roman presbyter Hippolytus.
  5. A much earlier development than the biblical canon was the evolution of the threefold ministry of bishop, presbyter, and deacon.
  6. At Rome in the mid-third century the presbyter Fabian found himself elected bishop because a dove settled on his head.
  7. For many centuries it was common form for a bishop to address a presbyter as "fellow-presbyter".

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