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Перевод: president speek president

председатель ; президент ; директор банка; директор компании; ректор ; губернатор


  1. PRESIDENT George Bush will be sent out of office still haunted by the Irangate hostages-for-arms scandal.
  2. South Africa have named for the same job, not a professional journalist, but Dr. Nick Labuschagne, a man who has just been ousted as President of the Natal Rugby Union.
  3. He would introduce sweeping, neo-liberal reforms, including an extensive privatisation programme, within a framework of ideas promoted by a Peruvian economist, Hernando de Soto, whose work has been hailed by President Bush as a blue-print for the developing world.
  4. The latter was the president of the National Trust in Northern Ireland and she had met him when helping with its work.
  5. Her main claim to influence had been her close association with President Reagan.
  6. BISHOP John Jukes shared a platform with National Union of Mineworkers President Mr Arthur Scargill at the TUC rally in Hyde Park last month.
  7. Says Joan McIntyre, president of the Project Jonah organisation for many years: "Try for a moment, if you can, to imagine the imagination of a whale, or the awareness of a dolphin.
  8. The Committee met on April 27th, 1982, to receive the Development Sub-Committee's report - a detailed and thorough document - introduced by its Chairman, Robert Naish, the Club President.
  9. President Bush, saying the murder was a "disgraceful happening," offered US assistance in finding President Muawad's killers.
  10. It was a month before the President announced the news.
  11. The Arab Women's Solidarity Organisation, of which she is president, was banned recently for voicing its opposition to the Gulf War.
  12. The President regarded him for a moment and Trent thought that the old man might rally.
  13. He contributed heavily from his family wealth to this Church, and also to many other organisations for deaf children and adults both in Britain and on the continent of Europe; he had a special interest in the deaf people of Ireland, and was the first President of the National Deaf and Dumb Society, forerunner of the British Deaf Association.

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