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Перевод: prevarication speek prevarication

увиливание; уклончивость


  1. De Benedetti explained his prevarication yesterday, saying: "It did not seem to be the appropriate moment to clarify the position of the company on arguments that must first, by their nature, be illuminated and discussed in front of judicial authorities."
  2. This instinctive anti-Americanism was revealed most clearly during the Gulf War, in which the pretence that the Basic Law prevented them from sending troops was a mere figleaf for their initial failure to offer any political support to the American-led campaign (Genscher remained silent for a week after the fighting began, although he and Kohl tried to make amends later) and for their inexcusable prevarication about supporting Turkey in the event of an attack by Iraq.
  3. The prevarication has set back the effort six months, said Sarfas, and OSF/1 for the Alphas will now emerge first, early next year.
  4. Allan Roberts repeated his prevarication of 8th December in his summing-up speech for Labour at the conclusion of the 9th March 1988 Parliamentary debate.
  5. For example, in the Falklands War, Mrs Thatcher accused the Argentinians of "prevarication".
  6. Some compensation was eventually paid to the villagers by the Board of Trade, after much prevarication and talk of "natural causes"; the fact was the Board had permitted the dredging operation without foreseeing the consequences.
  7. Fred Pearce says that DoE scientists returned from Stockholm in 1982 "convinced that Norwegian claims about acid rain were largely right and the righteous warnings from the generating board about scientific uncertainties were largely prevarication."
  8. POLITICAL prevarication is blocking moves to set up an international agency to monitor military activity throughout the world using a network of spy satellites.
  9. By 1945 the real world was simply too urgent for prevarication.
  10. Hopefully, decisive action, not prevarication, will be forthcoming from both sides.
  11. He would gladly have died or suffered hardship or privation for the truth; but endless wrangling and prevarication on both sides made him ill, and distracted him from the ends to which he had dedicated himself.
  12. The group was built from nothing by Gedge and brilliantly nurtured without the sickening prevarication involved in most of pop's success stories.
  13. By the closing weeks of 1987 the population of the occupied territories had concluded that they faced not only the prevarication of Israel and Jordan but also the acquiescence of the other Arab states.

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