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Перевод: prey speek prey

жертва ; добыча ;
охотиться; ловить; грабить; вымогать; обманывать; терзать; мучить


  1. Many cephalopod species behave gregariously today, travelling in swarms in pursuit of their favourite prey (often small crustacea).
  2. As we saw under Beliefs (see page 21) it is easy to fall prey to some recurring unrealistic thoughts or beliefs which cause you to feel upset whenever they are violated so, either while you are being hindered by an unproductive feeling or after an experience where you are hindered, or when you feel vulnerable to the onset of an unproductive feeling, ask yourself: "How can I make more effective use of this present moment?"
  3. Put very simply, available prey diversity depends on the size and complexity of the habitat in the predator's territory, but of itself territory size is of limited significance.
  4. The moorlands also used to be a larder for great raptors: hen harrier and short-eared owl, quartering the heather in endless search of prey.
  5. Comparisons of prey assemblages of predators hunting over the same area (Append.
  6. There is a quite separate consideration relating to species composition of prey assemblages, and this is the extent to which it can be considered diagnostic of the habitats from which the assemblage has been derived.
  7. With these three techniques of freezing, fleeing and fighting many prey manage to survive for another day, but there are also more specialised ways of dealing effectively with attackers and these are discussed in more detail in the following chapters.
  8. Where the prey are merely distasteful or unpalatable, the predators can learn their lesson safely.
  9. Pastures in the Auvergne uplands of Puy-de-Dome and Cantal appear to be heavily used by birds of prey, indicating that they support good populations of small mammals and birds which in itself indicates that the majority are agriculturally unimproved.
  10. The size of the groups is probably determined by the number of individuals that can be sustained by the size of the school of prey.
  11. Many a prey species can afford to dispense with its tail but can never afford to lose its head.
  12. Birds of prey have been registered nose-diving at speeds of up to 1 l 0 miles an hour.
  13. The single small pellet collection came from the desert in Qatar (Table 2.3), and the analysis of bones from this desert variety shows remarkable similarity to the bone assemblage from Sweden despite the great difference in species composition and diversity of the prey.

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