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Перевод: primarily speek primarily

в первую очередь; главным образом; сначала; прежде всего; сперва; первоначально; первым делом


  1. Further cuts in the last six months - primarily from the closure of Ravenscraig - have reduced manning levels to about 42,000.
  2. Of little scientific value, they were primarily accepted to favour the heirs of the benefactors.
  3. What hope there is resides primarily in the same section of the news-stands as it has for several years - the "serious" and "specialist" music press.
  4. The intention is for the policeman concerned to develop a local knowledge of his area, to show a presence and develop friendly and informal contact with members of the public, although one was adamant that his role remained primarily one of crime detection rather than prevention, this being the responsibility of community relations.
  5. Hundreds of thousands of acres have been ploughed and planted, principally at the tax-payers' expense, and primarily for the benefit of wealthy, absentee landlords.
  6. "Newspaper sale prediction is open to wide margins of error, as are any sale predictions primarily because the quality of the product will change from week to week depending on the available content, the number of editorial pages and so on."
  7. And there was more than a hint, throughout the speech, that education was primarily instrumental, not a good in itself.
  8. One doctor delivering "the heroic care" was Dr John Goode, the lung specialist who was primarily responsible for Dr Carrington's day-to-day treatment.
  9. Opponents say it is primarily a military road.
  10. Both of these courses have a distinctive vocational emphasis and aim primarily to produce graduates to meet this demand.
  11. The appeal of the book is primarily visual.
  12. But there are many more, of course, and listing playwrights is useful only insofar as it presents a few guidelines, primarily to help you look in the right places.
  13. This is consistent with the behaviour of these GPs: placing mental illness to the fore when the problem may be primarily social, and seeking a compulsory rather than voluntary route.

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