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Перевод: printout speek printout



  1. He unfolds a sheet of computer printout.
  2. Improvements are recommended in all of these studies such as shutting doors quietly (and oiling them when necessary); handling equipment carefully to reduce noise; muting the alarm systems and telephones; wearing soft-soled shoes; providing soundproof covers for computer printout machines; reducing conversations between staff and talking quietly; providing earplugs if requested; isolating "noisy" patients from general wards when practicable so that they create the least possible disturbance to other patients - and, as Soutar Wilson point out, most of these suggestions are simple and inexpensive remedies.
  3. Figure four shows a printout from the Creation 6 screen of a four-colour design.
  4. PrintOut Home affairs Boyd Tonkin
  5. PrintOut A time of gifts Boyd Tonkin
  6. PrintOut Double lives Boyd Tonkin
  7. They were walking along a broad corridor between glass-partitioned offices, lit by bleak fluorescent strip lighting, where sallow-faced men in shirt-sleeves stared at computer terminals or pored over sheets of printout.
  8. The flexibility of such printers makes desk top publishing possible, and can also internationalise computer printout with non Latin fonts, such as Japanese characters.
  9. "He says that the night I returned Mr Laing his passport, duly altered, the young man spent most of the night in the computer room, and left before dawn with a large amount of computer printout.
  10. PrintOut
  11. TYPE Your Own Name to identify your printout

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