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Перевод: probate speek probate

официальное утверждение завещания; заверенная копия завещания;
утверждать завещание


  1. The only real difficulty if all of the savings are your wife's would be that, if she dies before you, the money will be frozen until probate of her will, which could cause temporary problems.
  2. The Department of National Savings (form SB4 obtainable at Post Offices) and building societies will pay out amounts up to 5,000 on the evidence of the death certificate, although they are not bound to until the grant of probate or letters of administration have been issued.
  3. All you can do is wait until your stepfather gets the will admitted to probate.
  5. How much money would be available to them when the probate of the estate had been completed?
  6. So too can wills and probate inventories.
  7. There were as many Probate Courts as there were dioceses, in addition to the Prerogative Courts of the two Archbishops, and a number of courts in places called Peculiars, places outside a bishop's jurisdiction, and under a special ecclesiastical jurisdiction of their own.
  8. There are three other main bodies of English law: probate, Divorce, and Admiralty, which were developed in jurisdictions distinct from the Common Law Courts and the Court of Chancery.
  9. Miss Roybal-Allard originally wanted the ban to apply only to divorce, probate and child-custody cases.
  10. This avoids any delays involved in waiting for Letters of Administration and Grant of Probate.
  11. This new Division deals with Divorce and other aspects of family law, as well as non-contentious probate, while contentious Probate is now assigned to the Chancery Division, and Admiralty matters to the Queen's Bench Division.
  12. Without probate of the will or letters of administration, neither executor nor administrator can take any steps in any other court of law, for the executor's proof of his title, and the administrator's title itself, can only be given by the Ecclesiastical Court.
  13. The court has now three divisions: a Queen's Bench Division, a Chancery Division, and a Family Division (successor to the probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division, of which something will be said in Chapter 3).

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