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Перевод: procure speek procure

доставать; добывать; обеспечивать; доставлять; заготовлять; производить; сводничать; причинять


  1. Dry and tinned stores were issued readily, but meat, vegetables and fruit were not so easy to procure, and often I went out into the surrounding villages to buy up food which normally would have come into the Maymyo bazaar.
  2. This time it had really disappeared and a party was despatched to procure a new length of pole while the remaining villagers continued the search.
  3. Education is a good in its own right, something which men desire because they are men, and which they will therefore spend their effort and their riches to procure for themselves and to bestow upon others.
  4. 13.2 Should the Company for any reason whatsoever not procure the preparation of or fail to deliver each new edition then the Publisher shall be free to employ an alternative writer (or writers) to edit the work in such manner as the Publisher may consider appropriate and the Publisher will be entitled to deduct all or part of the remuneration payable to the alternative writer(s) from royalties payable to the Company on that edition.
  5. On one occasion he sent his faithful valet, La Tour, to procure four waterfront prostitutes.
  6. One slight annoyance came when I tried to procure the sound of a valve amp just on the edge of distortion, like an AC30 or a Vibroverb just going into mild overload.
  7. In comparison, Laurent's was, according to Roeder, "a piece of plagiarism by a man who, backed up by Harrop and Stockdale's powerful influence managed to procure the aid of local surveyors and owners
  8. At the same meeting Vial was asked to move into the house, and to procure such temporary assistance as necessary to prepare for reading lectures in October.
  9. 7.1 The Company shall procure that the Authors read the Work in proof and apart from keyboarding errors all charges for carrying out author's corrections additions or deletions in the proof sheets exceeding 10% (ten per cent) of the charge for composition shall be borne by the Company and shall be deductible from payments due to the Company.
  10. 10.8.13 Without prejudice to its obligations under the foregoing provisions each Party undertakes to each other Party that (insofar as it has not already done so) it will procure undertakings from relevant employees members of staff and students to enable it to perform those said obligations.
  11. 10.7.6 In respect of the due exercise of any right or licence (i) confirmed or granted or (ii) agreed to be granted under the provisions of Clauses 10.7.2, 10.7.3 and 10.7.4, each Party (i) grants or (ii) agrees to grant respectively a licence under any intellectual property rights in respect of results and (i) grants or (ii) agrees to grant respectively to the extent reasonably necessary for such due exercise a licence under any background intellectual property right, and undertakes to procure like grants or agreements to grant from its Related companies.
  12. Attitude is never going to count for as much as the Gift - the untranscribable charisma, the arbitrary aura, the unequally-bestowed vocal magic that no amount of homework or calculation can procure.
  13. "It will be useless to observe to the Society that it is of the greatest importance to procure a place as soon as possible, if the Professor is not enabled to begin his Lectures by Christmas (1791) the establishment will be put off for one year-the Zootomy being strictly the first part he is to begin to teach to the pupils, which everyone knows could not be attempted in the Summer - and it would be feared too long a delay might hurt the success of the establishment."

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