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Перевод: profuse speek profuse

богатый; изобильный; щедрый; расточительный; чрезмерный


  1. The discharge is usually less profuse than a gonococcal one, often being described as a "feeling of dampness" rather than a full-blown urethral discharge.
  2. Dry mouth with copious salivation, saliva like the white of an egg; intense thirst; enlarged submaxillary glands; dry at the back of the throat; furred tongue and difficulty talking; swelling of the tonsils and stiffness of the jaws; profuse sweat.
  3. The only green thing about many of our English rivers nowadays is profuse algal growth in the water, which results from an excess of fertilizer leaching off arable fields straight into the stream.
  4. When the rash fails to appear; child is very cold yet wants to kick off the covers; desires fresh air ; rather pinched face; may have profuse diarrhoea.
  5. If these latter involve the nose and pharynx, this leads to "snuffles" in which there is a profuse nasal discharge which may be bloodstained and is teeming with treponemes.
  6. The discharge may be quite profuse.
  7. Their "gorgeous and profuse entertainments" animadverted upon by Dr Blimber, DS 12.
  8. Although it can be as profuse as a gonococcal discharge, it is sometimes only seen first thing in the morning before urine has been passed.
  9. Although the discharge of either may vary from a barely discernible mucus to a gross, thick, profuse, and purulent exudate, the discharge of non-specific infection is usually lighter in texture, quantity, and colour.
  10. Profuse amounts of grey and ginger hair sprouted from nose and ears.
  11. Then he poured profuse apologies into the mouthpiece until a very surprised Charity managed to get a word from the other end of the line.
  12. Aspect is often important in exposed areas in relation to prevailing winds: in North Harris the rare Atlantic liverwort Herbertus aduncus is frequent, but in some areas is more profuse on north-facing slopes, usually around boulders where there is additional shelter.
  13. Herpes simplex infection, when it involves the cervix, can cause a profuse discharge.

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