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Перевод: prognosis speek prognosis



  1. I leave my first category, therefore, and come to one where the prognosis is less gloomy.
  2. Yet while the ultimate decision on your future involves a fair assessment of the industrial realities rather than a precise medical diagnosis, the quotation above shows the importance of seeking a doctor's prognosis.
  3. The only exception to this is if the child has a disease process that has a short-term prognosis.
  4. Provided the ultimate prognosis were one of improvement or recovery, it is submitted that anyone - doctor, medical attendant, or other - who turns off the ventilator with knowledge that death will result and an intent to bring this about is guilty of murder.
  5. The real outcome was at striking variance with Marx's original prognosis.
  6. The wise prognosis was confirmed by W. T. Stearn in his address on the occasion of the Garden's tercentenary in 1973 (see p. 188).
  7. She was just like me, she had been told that her prognosis was good and yet here she was four years later.
  8. A prognosis can necessarily be only an educated guess, but for the person hearing the answer, it is not helping this underlying question: "Do I have to start grieving yet or is there time to get used to the idea?"
  9. The mother resolutely refused to talk about her diagnosis, prognosis, or future in any way.
  10. This chapter will attempt to delineate the relationship between hypertension and diabetes with specific reference to prevalence, effect on prognosis, pathophysiological mechanisms and treatment.
  11. If the prognosis for the patient, though initially favourable, becomes poor, then the question becomes the same as that already considered, for how much longer treatment must be given.
  12. In this chapter I shall try to locate our present concerns in a pattern of historical development, and seek to excavate from this a prognosis for the viability of current strategies and initiatives.
  13. "The prognosis is quite good, though - very encouraging, in fact," Doctor Staples said.

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