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Перевод: progress speek progress

прогресс ; развитие; движение вперед; успехи ; достижение; достижения ; успеваемость ; продвижение; ход ; течение; странствие; путешествие короля по стране;
прогрессировать; развиваться; совершенствоваться; делать успехи; продвигаться вперед


  1. Originating at Edinburgh Waverley the Royal Scotsman set out to make stately progress through the mountains and glens of the Scottish Highlands, with a package of sightseeing visits to ancient castles and gardens, country houses and distilleries in store for its well-heeled patrons.
  2. An example is the Avocet Avsim321 TM32010 simulator - a good product as it gives instant visual access to all registers of the processor so users can monitor progress of the program, line by line if required.
  3. For lick of adequate progress in the improvement of central local party and social ties in general, he and others, including Lenin, diverted their energies into the immediate practical tasks of rehabilitating the transport system.
  4. Mr Simon Murray, leader of Honour Hong Kong, said: "I am not saying we are over the moon, but it is progress."
  5. teachers find ample time to communicate with parents, giving detailed and constructive feedback on pupils' progress;
  6. It recognises that competition is not an end in itself by providing a procedure whereby, although certain agreements or arrangements may prevent, restrict or distort competition, they may none the less improve the production or distribution of goods or promote technical or economic progress to the benefit of consumers.
  7. Now that we are facing demands to keep the most detailed records of children's progress it makes sense to involve children in some of this work.
  8. Do not attempt to punish yourself for not making adequate progress.
  9. Who else, if anyone, will be involved in treatment and who the therapist will keep informed about the patient's progress.
  10. City: Attalli's new order of things - one year on Frank Kane finds a Frenchman in the Anglo-Saxon world of banking pleased with progress at the institution he helped to found to rebuild the East
  11. What is Metamorphosis except progress report on the disintegration of a body?
  12. In Rake's Progress she reconstructs Hogarth in Promenade she gets an atmosphere of Directoire France.
  13. Members welcomed Dr Maureen Cooper, University of Stirling, who updated the WCC on progress with the recently-launched Women Scientists Engineers in Scotland network, for which she is coordinator.

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