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Перевод: progressiveness



  1. In fact, there are grounds for suspecting that the conflict between static inefficiency and dynamic progressiveness is often more apparent than real, and, as we have seen, it is not entirely clear that cooperative RD ventures significantly weaken those conflicts which do exist.
  2. We falsely congratulate ourselves on the progressiveness of contemporary welfare provision, ignoring not only its insufficiency but also the fact that much of the need itself is an artificial creation of contemporary social prejudices against people continuing at work.
  3. Clearly, there is a connection between these terms and the varying degrees of progressiveness of one's educational philosophy, as discussed in Chapter 3, and we suggest that clarification of these terms would not only aid the implementation of specific curriculum innovations but also help schools to clarify their broad educational position.
  4. It would be wrong, however, to rely exclusively on the accounts of the teachers to whom we spoke, and it is worth noting that the evaluators' observations temper this picture of dynamism and progressiveness.
  5. Goans commend the progressiveness of the British, compared to the intransigence of Salazar; but they also point out that there was far less racial and colour prejudice in the Portuguese territory.
  6. I regard arms races as of the utmost importance because it is largely arms races that have injected such "progressiveness" as there is in evolution.
  7. We examine the degree of progressiveness of the UK tax system and the effects of the recent switches between direct and indirect taxation.
  8. To develop hegemonic gain the Conservative Party has constructed itself as the party which will bring prosperity, reconstruct traditional values, end dependency, encourage work and oppose the threats of progressiveness, ethnic groups and cultures, and "loony left" policies in local government.
  9. They have imposed a small amount of progressiveness; but it is related strictly to the average level of income within each republic or province.
  10. Thus in eighteenth-century Europe the traditional typology of monarchy, oligarchy and democracy, originally formulated by the Greeks, was given a new sense in the writings of Montesquieu by the contrast between "Oriental despotism" and the monarchies of Western Europe, which was further developed by Adam Smith, Hegel and later economists and historians, and played a considerable part in the formation of Marx's conception of the Asiatic mode of production; one main feature of the contrast being the "progressiveness" of Western societies as against the "immobility" of Asiatic societies.
  11. She heard Newman lecture in the late 1970s and was "intrigued by the progressiveness of the politics guiding his thought".
  12. Like all British direct taxation, as the absolute level of profits increases the tax loses its progressiveness and becomes a flat rate Caves and Krause, 1980.
  13. To Third World governments, the presence of large numbers of people begging on the steps of bank buildings or roasting nuts outside five star hotels was an insult to the progressiveness of their new skyscraper cities.

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