Перевод: prolongation
[существительное] продление; отсрочка ; пролонгация ; удлинение; продолжение [существительное]
- In France the post-mortem period is, typically, fifty years but those authors and artists affected by the two World Wars were granted a prolongation of the copyright term, giving an effective expiry of just over sixty-four years after their death.
- It seems certain that Louis-Napoleon would have preferred a prolongation of his power by legal means, but in the long run it was equally clear that he would not shrink from a confrontation with the opposition.
- The authors of the paper do not suggest ignoring the age of the patient, quite the reverse: "criteria appropriate for younger patients may not be suitable in the elderly, for whom effective stabilisation of disease, a partial remission, or a complete remission of short duration may be sufficient to achieve worthwhile prolongation of life with an acceptable quality of life."
- Furthermore, while "logically" it might appear that at least from summer 1941 only Hitler could be blamed for the extension and prolongation of the war, a sufficient platform had been constructed by years of propaganda and ideological indoctrination to buttress the transfer of the blame to Germany's external enemies - the Bolsheviks, the Jews, the British, the Americans - or to internal incompetence, naturally stopping short of the Fhrer, as when Field Marshal von Brauchitsch was made the scapegoat for mistakes in strategy and provisioning on the eastern Front in the winter of 1941-;2.
- The State Department on the whole supported the conclusion of an early treaty and was sympathetic to the British view that the indefinite prolongation of the occupation would be counter-productive politically and would encounter growing resentment from the Japanese people.
- Yet the sensitivities of both for the sufferings of men, women, and children drawn unwillingly into the war reflect something of the way in which thinking men asked themselves whether war was, in fact, not so much a way to peace as the prolongation of bitter conflict.
- They are really a southern prolongation of Ponta de So Loureno.
- We confidently expect that an investigation of all other cases of sacred prohibition would lead to the same conclusion as in that of the horror of incest: that what is sacred was originally nothing other than the prolongation of the will of the primal father my italics.
- "Modern medical technology", it goes on, "has made possible the artificial prolongation of human life beyond natural limits."
- Maureen Roberts, the late Director of the Edinburgh Breast Screening Project, observed that screening "is not offering any certainty of cure or normal life to the women who attend, merely a prolongation of years for a few.
- The upshot of our inquiry so far has been the drawing of a sharp distinction between the "ego instincts" and the sexual instincts, and the view that the former exercise pressure towards death and the latter towards a prolongation of life
- "ALTHOUGH the contribution of the world we live in to the levels of risk is most obvious for accidents, developments in medical thinking throughout the last two centuries have indicated how by modifying the way we live - originally through general improvements in diet and hygiene, more recently through changes in education and social welfare - we can contribute substantially to prolongation of healthy life or its reduction by increasing smoke pollution and cigarette consumption".
- Clytemnestra let out an unearthly keening howl, her lips snarling back and her tail a stiff prolongation of her backbone.
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