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Перевод: propagate speek propagate

размножать; разводить; размножаться; распространять; передавать по наследству; передаваться через среду [физ.]; распространяться


  1. A hydraulic fracture is generally expected to propagate in a vertical plane in a direction perpendicular to the minimum horizontal stress azimuth.
  2. Through his diligent direction a collector was found, transport organised and distribution arranged amongst those in this country best fitted to propagate and redistribute these rarities from the West.
  3. Budding is most commonly used to propagate roses (but is equally successful with other plants) and is normally carried out in summer.
  4. During July and August I propagate my strawberry plants for next year's crops.
  5. Vehicles don't replicate themselves; they work to propagate their replicators.
  6. So - in Kufra and Ajdabiya, but perhaps not in Benghazi or Tripoli - it remained difficult for even the most devoted young revolutionary to intervene in such conversations to propagate the doctrine.
  7. Others, such as the Jewish religious laws, may continue to propagate themselves for thousands of years, usually because of the great potential permanence of written records.
  8. In 1972 I suggested a fresh categorization of the processes involved to take into account an additional meaning of "propagate"; namely to rear to sexual maturity.
  9. They suggest that the principal growth fault in the Mesozoic may simply propagate from the subcrop of the thrust and extend towards the surface at a steeper angle, as illustrated by the Mere Fault (see also Lake 1975, in connection with the structure of the Weald).
  10. Pipings are a special kind of semiripe cutting taken to propagate pinks and border carnations in July and August.
  11. Over in the US, psychologists at a number of universities are making a serious study of how rumours are born, how they propagate and how they can finally be killed off.
  12. It was feared that if they were allowed to move freely in society they would propagate and lower the educational standards of the nation as a whole.
  13. Colour co-ordinated plant arrangements and an easy way to propagate begonias are among the bright ideas suggested by Carol Kurrein this month

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