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Перевод: propinquity speek propinquity

близость ; родство; подобие


  1. Discussion of family support often seems to assume geographical propinquity, which is increasingly problematic.
  2. Propinquity.
  3. "She's in propinquity to other Stealers," muttered Jaq.
  4. To clarify this, Bentham lists seven so-called dimensions of pleasure and pain: (1) intensity; (2) duration; (3) certainty or uncertainty; (4) propinquity or remoteness; (5) fecundity; (6) purity; (7) extent.
  5. Propinquity was not enough.
  6. For my part, there can hardly have been a day when I did not think of Eliot, when his growing prestige was not a source of immense satisfaction and pride to me, and when personal news about him, however brief, was more than welcome at such distance than propinquity without meeting would have been.
  7. His precocity was partly formed by his propinquity to his brother, and subsequent membership of debating circles such as the IDK (I Don't Know), composed mostly of much older boys.
  8. As for propinquity it seems that he included this mainly because his theory of value was closely linked with his theory of motivation, and it is psychologically true that we are more influenced by thoughts of the more immediate than the more remote future.
  9. But we must distinguish between a type of interaction which is precisely regulated by the syntactic structure of the sentence, and a more diffuse type of interaction, not dependent on syntax, but merely on discourse propinquity.
  10. Propinquity and property of blood,
  11. Ah, the propinquity of cheap life and expensive principles, of religion and banditry, of surprising honour and random cruelty.
  12. If you held the kind of philosophy that I do, you would realize that, in friendship, presence and absence, propinquity and distance, do not make quite the difference that they do in mere acquaintanceship.
  13. The hypothesis appears to be that we have inherited from our animal ancestors the habit of discrimination, but have added an additional criterion, namely the conscious calculation of relatedness, to the criteria of propinquity, and perhaps physical and biochemical similarity, used by animals.

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