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Перевод: propitiatory speek propitiatory

утешающий; примирительный; умилостивительный; искупительный


  1. There is rather a lot of evidence that what laymen especially valued was the propitiatory function with God of beautiful worship, with splendid chants, vestments woven by the most skilful women, and lavish expenditure of gold on the book covers seen in church and on the altar crosses.
  2. Sir Raymond Firth's study of the conversion to Christianity in this century of the Tikopians, with their gods, their ancestor cults, and their propitiatory sacrifices, has shown how interested these Pacific islanders were to discuss a kind of theology of god-power.
  3. A propitiatory sacrifice - so, to be eaten."
  4. Perhaps he knows, as I do, that the letters are propitiatory.
  5. We saw earlier the strong propitiatory element in the religion of the Germanic pagans with whom St Boniface dealt in the 720s.
  6. They were turning out into the village street again now, leaving behind them the stone ranks of the dead, with their propitiatory offerings of flowers and foliage.
  7. There are tenth-century references to red-eared white cattle in Wales and they were considered far more valuable than black cattle, being often used as propitiatory gifts.
  8. The energy generated from running upstairs and laughing with Stella in distant Florence flowed over into the impulse to ring, in turn, her own mother: a pointless act, but one that nevertheless in the context seemed pious, necessary, propitiatory, and a gesture at least towards her sister, who bore so much heavier a filial burden, who would (in theory at least) be pleased to know that Liz had remembered.

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