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Перевод: propitious speek propitious

благосклонный; благоприятный; подходящий


  1. Historians lack the skills, or the evidence cannot exist, to settle in any precise way the question of why and how conditions of war seem propitious for social reform.
  2. "The atmospheric conditions are not exactly propitious" - wore a bright red cloth cap from December 22nd.
  3. So with his son's reputation now unequivocally established Leopold may have regarded the time as propitious to secure a position for Mozart at the Viennese court.
  4. The Christian neglect of the gods, indeed the propensity of the more militant to hiss in disapproval as they walked by a temple, offended polytheists, who feared that heaven would not be propitious: floods, plagues, famines, earthquakes were sent by angry spirit-powers who had not been placated with the customary offerings.
  5. September 21, 1951 was a propitious day in Leonard's life.
  6. And what more propitious names for the devout and hopeful parents than those of the chief servant of the father of the People and the great rebuilder of Jerusalem!
  7. The conference's report was approved by the War Cabinet on 27 October 1943, and Beaverbrook was given leave to proceed to Washington when the timing for such a meeting seemed propitious.
  8. The ability to select propitious characters in Chinese is a fine art and it takes a student of great learning to transpose an English name into Chinese syllables which convey beauty both in the pictogram character and in meaning, and yet bear some semblance in sound to the original name.
  9. Alternatively, she might have published that material at a more propitious time.
  10. The times, to say the least, were not propitious.
  11. Conditions in Kursk town seemed propitious for an anti-Bolshevik armed peasant uprising in October.
  12. Ibrahim Bu Shanna, reaching maturity at a propitious time, had opportunities to achieve success in trade denied to his elder brother, who grew up during the war: the elder brother was a gardener, who lived subordinate in every way except the symbolic to Ibrahim, a successful wholesaler.
  13. The summer of 1925 was hardly the most propitious moment for the textile unions to make their stand against further wage reductions.

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