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Перевод: proportionately

пропорционально; соразмерно


  1. The skull was proportionately bigger, narrowing at the front, almost beak-like.
  2. Their legs would need to be proportionately stronger, more like a reptile's or a mammal's, in which case they would need to have the metabolism of either a reptile or a mammal.
  3. The Blumler report lists a few breaches of the rules of coverage during the experiment, but, proportionately, very few indeed, and Members seem to be broadly happy that the cameras have respected the rules.
  4. Moreover, the Secretary of State has predicted that by the 1990s there will be proportionately more of the total population in higher education, whether at university or polytechnic.
  5. These days it is the San Diego cops who are doing the shooting, killing more people, proportionately, than any other police force in America.
  6. As families grow, the home appears to shrink proportionately until it seems to almost bulge at the seams.
  7. Although women were proportionately less successful than men in being elected (24% of them came first as against 35% of men), 1990 resumed the upward trend in female participation in local elections which had been so strangely set back in 1988.
  8. And yet proportionately more middle-class children enter grammar schools.
  9. This is the law that demand increases proportionately to the improvement and increased acceptability of the service offered.
  10. Proportionately and absolutely more retail and clerical workers lived in the north of the borough, making use of the good transport facilities to the shops and offices of the metropolis.
  11. If the poll tax really became a tax on voting, was it non-registering residents, rather than any enthusiasm for Major or Lang, that pushed the Tory percentage in Scotland up from a poll average of about 21 to an actual 25.5 per cent, and proportionately diminished the impact of the Labour and SNP campaigns?
  12. Although the peak age for caring is 45-;64, with one fifth of adults in this age group providing informal care, the 65 and over age group proportionately spend more time caring.
  13. This disparity was not as striking as it first appears, for the Sinhalese were proportionately less prominent in urban areas, where most policemen were stationed.

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