Перевод: propound
[глагол] предлагать на обсуждение; выдвигать; предъявлять завещание на утверждение
- Their business is to propound ideas in such a way that their claimed transfer value is made explicit for the consideration and possible operationalization by the teacher.
- Venturing to propound a law of intellectual life, I suggest that evaluative criticism enters institutional literary study under the influence of practising writers, or of critics who have a close discipular relation to them, but that in time it is rejected, like an alien organ.
- De Pomiane was the first writer to propound such happenings as the fusion of egg yolks and olive oil in a mayonnaise, the sizzling of a potato chip when plunged into fat for deep-frying, in language so straightforward, so graphic, that even the least scientifically minded could grasp the principles instead of simply learning the rules.
- The basic necessity, as with the more conventional murder mystery, is to propound your impossibility with a bang at the very beginning.
- The foresters of fee were to bring their rolls before the Council, and were "to be there in person, to propound the King's claim".
- Robson was, in one sense, simply echoing the words of Maitland that "if you take up a modern volume of the reports of the Queen's Bench division, you will find that about half the cases reported have to do with rules of administrative law" and that you must "not neglect their existence in your general description of what English law is" otherwise "you will frame a false and antiquated notion of our constitution" The fact that Robson felt the need to propound this view so strongly, and that Maitland's thoughts seemed to have been almost entirely neglected, serve to indicate that conservative normativism had by the 1920s become established as the dominant tradition.
- Yet, Empirical Socialism did not have to wait for Keynes to propound the idea of demand-led growth as the solution to the recurrent crises in Capitalism.
- Those who propound the background view deny or doubt the necessitation view, of course, but they need not.
- One is even tempted to propound a theorem to cope with the bewildering thickets of paradox obstructing every path, namely: every attempt to ameliorate nuclear doctrine in one respect produces an equal and opposite effect in some other respect.
- One of the signs of the eclipse of classics by English was the foundation in 1907 of the English Association which was to propound very effectively the view that the new discipline had become our finest vehicle for a genuine humanistic education and that its importance in this respect was growing with the disappearance of Latin and Greek from the curricula of our schools and universities.
- As before, these manifestos propound a variety of views about how to answer a single question.
- There was also general agreement that logistic stocks and infrastructure on the far side of the barrier should be kept to a minimum - a principle that was easier to propound than fulfil.
- B AGEHOT'S phrase comes in a passage in which he appears to propound the dispiriting theory that a politician, if he wants to get anywhere, must appeal to "the average man".
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