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Перевод: prospectus speek prospectus

проспект ; проспект книги


  1. The pathfinder prospectus, published on March 19, indicated only that the issue would be pitched between 530p and 645p.
  2. I last wrote to you on 14 February, enclosing a copy of the Prospectus and two copies of the Agreement for the tape, the latter for signature on behalf of the University of Birmingham before being returned to me.
  3. Every school is required by law (Education School Information Regulations 1981 and Education Reform Act 1988, Circular 1988, Circular 14/89) to produce a prospectus which must contain at least the following information:
  4. At one point, the prospectus states: "A Water Service Company may at any time require the Director General to determine whether, and if so how, K should be changed where other circumstances which would not have been avoided by prudent management action, have a substantial adverse effect on its water or sewerage business."
  5. Don't forget that estate agent offices are good places to have your school prospectus on open display.
  6. Figures 7.2 and 7.3 are examples from a prospectus printed on A3 good quality sheet card which tries to combine visual appeal, meet legal requirements and at less than 20p per copy has relatively low cost.
  7. However, according to Stefanini, a sale is some way off, Coalite is still preparing a prospectus, which should be available by the end of this month.
  8. The prospectus needs to transmit the ethos of the school: child centred, church school, traditional values, family atmosphere etc and this message needs to run consistently through the text.
  9. Again, send off for the school prospectus and find out the school's aims and objectives.
  10. The General Information section of this prospectus presents an introduction to the University, its facilities and services.
  11. Make sure that the new prospectus goes to existing families in the school as well as to the families of prospective new entrants.
  12. This unattractive prospectus was such, that the destination was changed to New Road, amid some local mirth in the press.
  13. "Paintings by Jim Teck", my prospectus read.

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