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Перевод: prostration speek prostration

распростертое положение; поверженное состояние; упадок ; упадок сил; изнеможение; прострация


  1. Vomiting, intense nausea, prostration with coldness, cold sweat and drowsiness, sleepiness.
  2. It comes with prostration, after several days and is most often found in patients of poor vitality, rather broken down weak constitutions who are subject to catarrhal illnesses; most often needed in the elderly and in young infants.
  3. Can you find dejection, prostration, the sticking in the craw of the intolerable, in the passionate grit of a Terence Trent D'Arby?
  4. The doctor had swiftly administered an antitoxin before the neurotoxin pumping round Pepita's body led to what he called the "latrodectism" - the unbearable pain and prostration of the victim that might eventually kill them.
  5. Germany's ever-shifting political forms throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, from Customs Union to Federation to Empire to Republic to Third Reich, and her prostration after the war, sliced in two by the East-West divide, confirm in stark reality the lines of the 19th-century poet Hlderlin: "it may be a hard word, but yet I say it, for it is the truth: I can think of no people more divided than the Germans."
  6. This mean prostration has, I imagine, contributed in a great measure to raise that spirit of insolence among the vulgar which, like the devil, will be very difficult to lay.
  7. In a severe form of shock, the body temperature falls; the blood pressure falls; the pulse increases; the person complains of feeling cold; the skin is grey, cold and moist; and there is generalised prostration.
  8. Warnie said that there was room only for a clear cut division of opinion - if one is a Catholic, the aumbry contains Our Lord and of course even prostration is hardly reverence enough: but if one is Church of England, it contains but a wafer and a little wine, and why in front of that should one show any greater reverence than in any other part of the church?
  9. Vomits everything with the prostration and anxiety, dry mouth, burning pains better () heat, better () warm water or milk burns up and down.
  10. Severe measles; great restlessness; prostration; anxiety; offensive and exhausting discharges, diarrhoea; delirium.
  11. Prostration comes in spells, unlike Arsenicum where it is continuous.
  12. Characteristically one finds chills with a sensation of ice water running in the blood vessels, this leads to an intensely hot fever with a sensation of boiling in the blood vessels, then comes the sweat and prostration with marked chilliness.
  13. She made exhaustion into a political virility symbol, and was foolishly critical of those who did not believe that decisions were best taken in a state of prostration."

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