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Перевод: protean speek protean

подобный протею; многообразный; изменчивый; исполняющий несколько ролей


  1. Elga Group has changed its name to Protean and has acquired Carbolite , the electric furnace and oven specialist.
  2. Dr Miller is a protean leopard; he can vary his spots.
  3. The rival genius of Picasso has proved to the world that our age may be epitomized by works which (show) his unfailing sense of visual drama, his protean invention and his power of investing his creations with a hallucinatory poetry.
  4. In effect, Barth simultaneously reworks texts and multiplies the dimensions to LETTERS so that it becomes a protean work, constantly shifting resemblances.
  5. Even in its protean state, however, it would make the business of feeding off her protracted and tiring.
  6. Still, while it does not pretend to be comprehensive, The Spirit of the Letter manages to provoke many questions about the protean and varied role of lettering, from typography to bravura calligraphy, public inscriptions to computer-generated letter forms.
  7. It may be that to choose is to distort so protean an entity.
  8. In Ackroyd's life of Eliot we read about a major poet who was a good ventriloquist; a man of multiple personality who swore by a principle of impersonality in art which he was later to unswear by locating The Waste Land in the stresses of a domestic life, and whose art bears the indelible signature of that distinctive protean character of his; a man who was often miserable and tormented.
  9. Story-telling becomes a means of preserving the narrator's protean fluidity and in that respect both of the novel's titles are appropriate.
  10. Utterances, on the other hand, are protean in character.
  11. Unpredictable escape patterns of this kind have been called "protean" defence systems because like the figure of Proteus in ancient Greek mythology they repeatedly change their shape.
  12. Premack's tests (Premack 1976) to establish that chimpanzees make rudimentary connections between "states of affairs" (in order not to beg the more refined question of objectuality within them) which to us appear closely connected by virtue of a cause and an effect, or by virtue of an implicit goal or problem and a means or stratagem, seem to the layman to support attributions to chimps of protean correlates of human categories of thought.
  13. But with his "eclectic and protean opportunism", he went on to recommend a revenue tariff as a wage cut in disguise.

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