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Перевод: protectionist speek protectionist

протекционистский; покровительственный;
протекционист ; сторонник протекционизма


  1. It was also rumoured that Lloyd George might advocate protectionist policies and Baldwin make have called the general election and fought it on protectionist policies in order to undermine any such move by Lloyd George.
  2. Since the early 1970s rising unemployment has encouraged the re-adoption of protectionist measures, e.g. tariffs, quotas, subsidies, to protect certain industrial sectors from overseas competition.
  3. Foreign direct investment by manufacturers has also grown rapidly over the past decade as firms chased lower costs, moved closer to their markets and tried to dodge protectionist barriers.
  4. The future behaviour of Japan, then, may be analysed in terms of the balance between commercial self-interest and the basic protectionist nature of many of the trade restrictions which still exist.
  5. For its part, Japan is becoming increasingly nervous about protectionist trends in Europe.
  6. "Mrs Hodge: "Well, sir, when "e's talking to a Protectionist, "e's a Free Trader, and when "e's talking to a Free Trader, "e's Protectionist, and when "e's talking to me, "e's a raving lunatic"."
  7. In 1665 Charles issued an ordinance banning the export of European goods to "English Plantations overseas" in pursuit of protectionist policies.
  8. Two statesmen who were were in the political wilderness by the mid-1930s were hardly likely, or able, to challenge the unthinking protectionist attitude of a National government which enjoyed a substantial parliamentary majority.
  9. The squabbling in Cabinet over the formula on which the National Government was to fight the election was, in reality, a form of shadow-boxing: for, whatever the formula, it would be interpreted by those who had the power to interpret it, that is, the Conservative and protectionist majority.
  10. World-wide pressure to reduce protectionist measures, and the need to contain the cost of the Common Agricultural Policy, mean that farmers will face reduced support and increased competition.
  11. Unfortunately, the promotion of industrialisation by protectionist measures tended to encourage inefficiency, waste and a diversion of resources away from the competitive export market.
  12. Protectionist policies, designed to deal with unemployment, temporarily ended the rule of the Conservative Party at the end of 1923 just as surely as it helped the Conservative Party to political dominance in the 1930s.
  13. protectionist measures are outlawed, so that open markets are guaranteed;

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