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Перевод: protracted

затянувшийся; длительный; затяжной


  1. Each time he drew on the mouthpiece, setting in motion the gentle protracted gurgle, he stared into space, completely absorbed.
  2. Encouraged by this sudden surge of perverted patriotism, the French government blocked the import of New Zealand agricultural products into the Common Market, including its EEC daily import quota to Britain, over the next two years by a protracted series of legal wrangles.
  3. Its disclosures also served to heighten the WEA's apprehension about the problems inherent in the RAC policy and confirmed the worst fears of those WEA members who were involved in the difficult protracted negotiations currently in hand in early 1939.
  4. The sacking was actually a complex and protracted affair.
  5. This follows protracted negotiations with broadcasters, who wanted to install the "fly on the windscreen" cameras which filmed the Thatchers in 1983 and 1987.
  6. Page 21 Dispute solution: Application of "free market" principles could end a protracted dispute over which American regulatory agency should control newly-developed financial products, said Joseph Grundfest, a US Securities and Exchange Commissioner.
  7. Omar Pound, with Walton Litz of Princeton, has edited the letters that his Parents exchanged through their protracted courtship, and their Publishers have made of this a very pretty book.
  8. The protracted struggle Vincent waged against impossible odds raises a number of questions.
  9. Waged on the high ground in the Montagne de Reims, between pernay and the Marne to the south and Reims to the north, there followed one of the most gruelling and protracted battles in human history, the line of trenches moving barely a hundred yards throughout four long and bloody years.
  10. Apart from the effect of the turmoil in Transcaucasia, Mr Voronin said the protracted rail strikes in Moldavia, which ended last month, had blocked 130 trains carrying consumer goods from Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Romania.
  11. There are a number of problems caused by a protracted campaign - and arguably, this election has been going on since last autumn when everyone started wondering whether Major could pull it off.
  12. Later events were to prove how wrong he was, but in the meantime, William Douglas entered into protracted, frequently downright treacherous, negotiations to secure his release; including agreeing to allow Edward's armies unhindered passage through Liddesdale.
  13. In a protracted series of attacks Highlander was branded as a "communist training school", a place where people engaged in "immoral, lewd, and unchaste practices ," and which Horton "operated for personal gain."

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