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Перевод: protuberance speek protuberance

выпуклость ; бугорок ; выступ ; протуберанец ; опухоль


  1. His eye measured these impressive heights coolly, relating them always to sea level rather than to their own grandeur, and correcting Boswell's exultation over "another mountain I called immense: Johnson: "No; it is no more than a considerable protuberance.""
  2. He found instead the only possible protuberance to which they could safely have anchored their rope.
  3. The trouble was that the organ was in a rather awkward situation at the base of the skull, below the inion (that is, the external occipital protuberance), a part of the body which, in most ladies, Nature has thoughtfully cloaked with a fine growth of hair.
  4. She sensed his fear and, perceiving that he had placed this construction upon their encounter, pressed herself closer to the soft protuberance of his cock, touching his balls with her cheeks, one side and then the other, wheedling the while.
  5. Some of these bowler-hatted chaps looked like bouncers from the Palais de dance , the protuberance of the ample stomachs bouncing forward with each beat of the drum.
  6. The foreskin develops early in intrauterine life as a protuberance of penile epidermis that grows forwards over the glans and adheres to it.
  7. In the late 19th century, they studied bumps on heads (phrenology) and if you were unfortunate enough to have a large protuberance on your forehead - well, you wouldn't have got as far as nice chats in the grocer's with a friendly-going-on-gullible type like myself.
  8. There is no head as such, but instead there is a small protuberance at the front end, which contains the mouth parts.
  9. The protuberance under her fingers felt soft and hard at the same time, an iron fist in a velvet glove.
  10. Water is eight hundred times as dense as air, and the slightest bump or protuberance on the body can cause drag, more even than it would on a bird or an aeroplane.
  11. At the front, inside the thick cotton shirt, was the flat protuberance of the packet.
  12. There is hardly a protuberance to disturb the airflow, save for two half-pear-shaped castings (the step to wither wingwalk,), and small pairs of lifting handles by the tailplane and just aft of the cabin for the purpose of getting in.
  13. And the amount the tip is moved reveals the height of the protuberance, even if it is only a single atom high.

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