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Перевод: publicity speek publicity

публичность ; гласность ; огласка ; реклама ; рекламирование


  1. He never needed any encouragement in these moral quests, and my guess is that the recent favourable publicity about him means we will be hearing a great deal more of the Preacher from Plains.
  2. It deserves publicity in non-nursing spheres.
  3. Quiet and conscientious, and operating at times under extreme duress and sometimes forced to make crucial decisions about his patients, he sought neither reward nor publicity for his work.
  4. In their publicity for "20th Century Plus", Collins Classics has been saying that each disc in the series "contains around 30 minutes of music".
  5. "The USTA is to be congratulated for taking the initiative in providing counselling for some of our nation's promising junior players," enthused Arthur Ashe, who attended the workshop despite the recent publicity surrounding his announcement to the press that he had contracted the Aids virus.
  6. Less publicity has been given to this gas than to carbon dioxide.
  7. As soon as nuclear power was first suggested as part of the country's Energy Plan in 1976, a massive publicity campaign was launched to influence the government.
  8. It surprised her that Mr Pascall had not used for publicity purposes the fact that the author was from Tollemarche.
  9. Unionist politicians accused him of naivety and dismissed the truce as a publicity stunt.
  10. Publicity manager of the Southport Railway Centre, Chris Mills explained the third aspect of "School Days".
  11. This fact is not necessarily discreditable; HK's publicity material did contain the warning:
  12. Personally I liked it, but felt it was not worth all the publicity I had helped create for it.
  13. This local publicity was mirrored by a dramatic escalation in the national expenditure on public relations by all the major organizations concerned with nuclear power.

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