r ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rr rs rt ru rv rw ry rz

Перевод: radon speek radon

радон [хим.] ; нитон [хим.] ; эманация радия


  1. Uranium mines are know to have an increased incidence of lung cancer owing to exposure to radon, but only recently has the importance of radon in the home been acknowledged.
  2. The only isotope of radon abundant enough to cause a health problem is sup222; Rn.
  3. West Country Living: Where gas really could be the main problem Lynne Edmunds suggests that all buyers should have their houses checked for radon
  4. The reason for this was that he was contaminated with radon decay products from his house.
  5. "That pulls the radon into the space and then out into the air."
  6. Environmentalists keep quiet because concern over radon in houses would divert attention from the campaign against nuclear power.
  7. These reasons may not be entirely true, but since formal advice on radon exposure was first issued in 1987 by the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) great concern has arisen in the few areas of the country that have high radon levels.
  8. The effects from radon daughters come from low-level radiation.
  9. A FIRST priority for anyone considering buying a house in Cornwall and some areas of neighbouring Devon including the more remoter regions of Dartmoor is to have it tested for radon gas.
  10. A house with a radon level of 20 Bq msup-3; will give an annual effective dose equivalent of 1 mSv and a lifetime risk of 0.25 per cent of contracting lung cancer.
  11. The NRPB originally advised the government that an action level was required, above which householders should reduce the radon levels.
  12. However some homes have very high radon concentrations - eg in regions of the country that have high sup222; Rn concentrations and ground conditions that allow rapid gas flow, producing large quantities of radon at the surface.

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