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Перевод: rainwater speek rainwater

дождевая вода


  1. A few dilapidated rainwater tanks at the back of the house supplied other needs.
  2. Where rainwater "soakaways" are used, they should be at least 5m (16ft 6in) from the foundations, and consist of an excavated pit not less than a 1m cube filled with gravel and surrounded by silt, sand and gravel.
  3. So far as rainwater is concerned, this should discharge cleanly from the roof into an eaves gutter preferably 150mm (6in) in diameter, though 100mm (4in) is acceptable on short runs.
  4. A blocked rainwater gutter leads very quickly to damp penetrating the walls.
  5. Leading gutters and roofs, defective rainwater downpipes, mounding of adjacent soil which bridges the dpc and all other sources of dampness must be removed.
  6. In fact, much so-called juvenile water is probably either rainwater that has circulated to great depths, or water that was trapped in rocks that have been carried down at subduction zones (see Inside Science, No. 6, 23 February 1988).
  7. Loam-based composts are more limey, so if you use rainwater or live in a soft water area, using John Innes compost is especially important.
  8. Even where a bituminous felt layer was laid on top of the boarding, this form of construction is likely to compound problems of rainwater penetration once a gap appears in the roof covering because the water which enters, instead of draining out of the construction at the eaves, settles on the upper edges of the local slate-fixing battens, inducing rot both in them and the boarding.
  9. Most of the rainwater flows straight to streams or rivers.
  10. Each person in Britain uses an average 30 gallons of water a day and the society called for consumers to take conservation measures to save water: to turn off taps when brushing their teeth, to fix drips and leaks, to water the garden in the cool of the day and to collect rainwater for garden use.
  11. Much of this rain runs back into the sea, combining with the rainwater from the great rivers of China.
  12. At first he could hear nothing but the dripping of rainwater from the trees and the singing of birds deeper in the forest.
  13. Although the flashing is sound on the joint between house wall and extension, it seems to admit rainwater.

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