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Перевод: ramifying



  1. In Periplaneta the cercal nerve tracts lead directly into the extensively ramifying dendritic processes of the interneurons from which giant axons run forwards through the thorax to activate the antennae and a general alarm system, though the accompanying leg movements are controlled by separate motor neurons with more slowly conducting pathways (Dagan and Parnas, 1970; Milburn and Bentley, 1971; Harris and Smyth, 1971.
  2. As the port took shape and London became the trading centre of Europe, an elaborate system of canals was built, leading away from the Thames, ramifying throughout the UK and enabling goods to be transported inland.
  3. The social communities and nests of bees and termites, the aquatic homes of sand grains and sticks built by caddis fly larvae, the webs and traps of spiders, the nests of some fishes, the huge pits over three feet deep and six feet in diameter of the green sea turtle, the ramifying burrows and nesting chambers of wood mice, the holes and domestic quarters of foxes, badgers, moles and rabbits, the amazing engineering feats of the dam and lodge-building beaver - all these and many more tell of an inner instinctive pattern of mental motivation lying beyond the realm of brain cells alone.
  4. Indeed, so successful and all-pervasive is this new syncretic religion amongst the refugee Cuban community that a widely ramifying economic "support-structure" has mushroomed up in its wake.
  5. All this simply reinforces my earlier point that not only must the field anthropologist pay close attention to the difference between normative rules and social practice but that the study of kinship is something far more complicated than simply the study of genealogies or the ramifying biological links of the domestic family.
  6. Furthermore the overall effect of this circulation is to link together into a widely ramifying network of relationships a great number of individuals of quite different status and quite different cultural background.
  7. But, in the language of social anthropology, kinship has very little to do with biology; it refers rather to a widely ramifying pattern of named relationships which link together the individual members of a social system in a network.
  8. Unlike most extruded synthetic fibres, duck down has a branched and ramifying structure which makes it an unrivalled heat insulator.
  9. The nervous system is composed essentially of ramifying neuroglial cells with supporting and nutritive functions (Wigglesworth, 1960; Smith, 1967) and the more numerous neurons, which are highly specialized for the relatively rapid generation and conduction of electrochemical nervous impulses (Pipa, 1961; Landolt, 1965; Chiarodo, 1969; Sohal et al., 1972).
  10. By contrast, for Darwin as a genealogical (ancestry and descent) theorist of historical biogeography, resemblances and differences are not traced to developmental advances, but to ramifying migrations and adaptive divergences from common ancestors that are more or less remote from their diverse descendants in time, place and character.

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