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Перевод: rang

#past от ring


  1. Last night someone let all the horses out of his livery stable so you can imagine the state he was in when he rang."
  2. Looking back, there have been occasions when I might have had a bit more foresight, particularly when this chap rang me from Newcastle one day raving about this brilliant young footballer he wanted me to look after.
  3. The motor magnate was furious and rang the Editor to say so, whereupon the latter apologised profusely adding that he would make a front page correction in the next day's edition.
  4. We rang up from Victoria station and arranged to meet Jenny's contact the following afternoon.
  5. Dear Harsnet, he wrote, I am well aware of the fact that for some years now you have cut yourself off from your past and not deigned to reply to the letters of your friends, or even to return their calls, taking refuge in your answering machine and pretending not to be in when they rang at the bell.
  6. And the courts of heaven rang with the sound of warfare.
  7. At first Wadland picked out mothers and rang claiming to be holding their daughters hostage.
  8. He rang Holton le Moor frequently to talk to someone, fearing that the lonely hours would revive the still recent memories of the death of Aubrey Clark.
  9. Someone from British Coal rang a bemused Rob Gretton to find out what "the political content of the record was" as, what with the goings-on with the imminent pit closures they claim not to want any more adverse publicity!
  10. I RANG the Israeli Embassy on Boxing Day to protest at their treatment of Palestinian deportees, only to find it closed until December 29.
  11. That night the phone rang again.
  12. "They rang and asked why I wasn't claiming income support," he said.
  13. The bell rang to signal the end of the period but nobody moved.

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