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Перевод: Reich speek Reich

рейх ; германское государство


  1. Immediately following the invasion and on the basis of reports from all over the Reich, the SD registered "the greatest surprise" and "a certain dismay" (though no major shock) at the news.
  2. The gathering force of worrying rumour about the killing in asylums of mentally sick and incurably ill patients was one factor which, especially but not solely among practising Christians, was giving rise to grave concern and threatening to alienate support for the regime In August 1941, news of the courageous open denunciation of the "euthanasia action" by Bishop Galen of Mnster spread rapidly and seems to have persuaded Hitler to halt the killing, at least inside the Reich itself.
  3. The Yalta agreement of February 1945 had already enshrined the right of the Soviets to retain their forward positions in Eastern Europe and the Potsdam conference later that year further divided up the former Third Reich.
  4. I have given back to the Reich the provinces stolen from us in 1919.
  5. A typical eruption of shouting by the Fuhrer, complete with bristling moustache, flushed neck and bulging eyes, was elicited by Winterbotham's demure suggestion that the leader of the Third Reich "obviously felt very strongly about Communism".
  6. From Bismarck's time onwards, "national unity" in the new nation-state not only received exaggerated emphasis, but was focused on the rejection of internal enemies of the Reich" (Catholics, socialists, ethnic minorities) and, increasingly under Wilhelm II, was linked to varying notions of German expansionism.
  7. And a joke doing the rounds in various parts of the Reich had a Berliner complaining about the severity of a raid which caused all the glass to fall out of window-frames as much as five hours later and his partner from Essen retorting that that was nothing at all: pictures of the Fhrer were still flying out of the window fourteen days after the last attack on Essen.
  8. "The argument that in certain circumstances a similar development could take place in Germany can be heard constantly", reported the SD in August 1943, and "the idea that the form of government thought in the Reich to be unshakeable could in Germany, too, suddenly be altered, is very widespread."
  9. Only two days previously, the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht had suggested lines of propaganda to be carried out after the expected triumph in Stalingrad "in the next days", and took pride in the excellent planning of the Reich's military leadership after the mistakes of the previous winter.
  10. In his address to the assembled Reichstag at the Nuremberg Party Rally on 15 September 1935, Hitler took up the "Jewish Question, in a major public speech for the first time since becoming Reich Chancellor, recommending acceptance of the three laws placed before it - the "Flag law" and the two notorious anti-Jewish "Nuremberg Laws" (the Reich Citizenship Law, preventing Jews from becoming citizens of the Reich, and the "Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour", banning marriage and sexual relations between Jews and "aryans").
  11. Expansion of German's borders, especially the incorporation of "ethnic" German territory into the Reich, was massively popular, as long as it was attained without bloodshed.
  12. He made clear to Hitler that Britain would not fight to uphold the Versailles treaty and, for far too long, held to the hope that the Third Reich's territorial ambitions would cease after it had vacuumed up all ethnic Germans.
  13. The Reich Press Chief, Otto Dietrich, also conveyed the impression, in comments made on 9 October, that the end of the Russian campaign was imminent, and newspapers carried banner headlines such as "Eastern Campaign Decided - Bolshevism militarily finished".

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